Friday, August 31, 2012

Once in a...

It's a blue moon tonight. 

It's quite possible that earlier this month, I saw the greatest moonrise I'll ever see. It was a cloudy evening. We were on the patio on the edge of the tropical sea listening to the unseen waves crash into the rocky shore.

A pale, nearly imperceptible glow appeared on the horizon, perhaps a fire from an ancient pirate ship scouring the depths for treasure. Moments later, the tiniest sliver of gold appeared from behind a cloud. In an instant, we knew it was the moon.

As it began to rise amidst the luminous clouds, the ocean formed a deep black line, a powerful frame to the ever-changing scene above. As it moved higher, it created an invitation to connect in the form of a brilliant reflective path on the water, direct from the horizon straight to the land.

There was absolutely nothing standing between us and the edge of the earth and the endless open sky. It was pure magic. And it was a lesson in the conflict of beauty, that even as we yearn for these unexpected moments to remain, their splendor exists only in the passing of time, and in what remains fixed in memory.

Even though tonight won't compare, I still can't wait to stand outside and watch the moon rise behind the giant fir trees, bright piercing white against the dark slate sky.

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