Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The official office tour

So this is where we all work, at Lewis Kennedy, in a cute house in the Sellwood neighborhood in Portland. It was built more than 100 years ago. We have an actual kitchen and I just boiled some water on the stove so I could have some tea in my brand new girly pink teacup. The refrigerator is far cleaner than the ones at OPB. And I find it amusing that there is a giant claw foot bathtub in the bathroom, which I don't think gets much use.

These are the stairs up to our offices. They are very steep and narrow. Word has it that a ghost lives at the top, and that said ghost in fact, lives in my office.  However, we have yet to be introduced.

And here is my office. This is the view from the doorway.  It used to belong to Jim Lewis, although I'm not sure he'd recognize it now that it's been all Becky'd up. My favorite thing is the little thinking table with the cool red chairs I found at City Liquidators.  I'm hopeful that lots of great ideas will be inspired while sitting there. Even though the window is tiny, it actually opens for fresh air! And soon I'll have a view of nice green leaves on the big trees outside.

And here's the view back towards the door from the thinking table.  The shelves are filled with lots of books and other quirky stuff that makes me laugh and reminds me of my favorite people. And I've been assured that my now empty file cabinet will soon overflow with papers. So I guess I'd better get to work!

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