Sunday, October 14, 2012

Who we are

This weekend's parental assignment for Emily's Theory of Knowledge class is to write a piece "of relevant and useful length about who she is, with no help of any kind from her." All this as we embarked on our first official college visit, a surreal time that forces you to reconcile with letting your little creature set sail in the open world.

We visited the U of O where we sat in a few of my old classrooms and toured the very dorm I lived in so many years ago.  So much has changed. At the same time, nothing has changed. Although the fabulous new dining halls and the thought of endless possibility, made me want to move back in and stay.

Next up, University of Washington, followed by OSU. And then the applications. And then the decision. As you'll see from my completed homework assignment... we'll probably be the last to know.

Who is Emily Chinn? Emily is wholly connected to people, particularly those who have positive energy to offer the world.  She notices and remembers everything.  Her natural state is to be happy and sometimes even ecstatic about things that appeal to her.  She's earnest yet loves to find humor and joy in situations.  At the same time, she's intensely private, keeps her own counsel, makes decisions intuitively, and avoids conflict. She has a keen sense of style, dislikes letting people see her fail, and is fiercely determined to manage her life in her own way, even though her way is usually within the bounds of what people would expect.

Seems like she'll be ready to go.

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