Friday, September 21, 2012

Back to school night

The math teacher refers to his giant scientific calculator as a "thing of beauty."

The English teacher talks about how they'll analyze Sylvia Plath poetry and read Fitzgerald, while a fabric Virginia Woolf doll holds up the papers on her white board.

We greet the neighbors in the hallway as we search for each classroom, and think it's not possible that we look any older than when we sat in those tiny kindergarten chairs thirteen years ago.

The economics teacher requires everyone to watch The Newshour and explains, "You may be bored to death watching PBS, but it's the real story and it will always be there because they don't sell commercials."

And the history teacher is practically giddy about next week's debate on who really caused World War I.

Passionate and funky people.

Fortunate kids. They have no idea.

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